Owner of Target Marketing Focuses On Company’s Overall Mission and Brand

Written by Tina Dettman-Bielefeldt

“In starting a digital marketing company, Lauren Yindra of Green Bay has one big goal. She promises to turn a company’s marketing efforts from “human to exceptional.” 

The name of the business, Target Marketing, hones in on that vision. “By targeting specific demographics and tailoring marketing strategies to their interests, businesses can increase their market share and ultimately achieve greater success,” she said.

The ability to define these customer bases come from more than five+ years of experience in managing and marketing campaigns including three years as a freelancer and several years in the trucking and logistics industry. She says those positions were the impetus to starting a business. “I felt like I had the background to see the bigger picture, and by working freelance , it showed me that I can do it by myself.” Yindra said.

With support from her fiance, Reed owner of Reed Property Restoration, a construction/excavating based landscaping company, Yindra had the push she needed. “I spent two months making a blog, setting up a website, and social media channels. I created processes, started posting on social media about the company, and made it official.” 

The blog covers the topics that she sees among clients. Digital marketing is a rapidly changing field, and she says her clients are often confused about the best way to move forward. Topics feature subjects like how to build an effective marketing strategy, establishing trust with consistent branding, maximizing an online presence, and increasing exposure through paid advertising. 

What is the No. 1 challenge for businesses? “Many businesses don’t know what their brand mission is. “Yindra said. “A sales professional may be focused on the sales department and have no idea what the marketing strategy is and how they tie this together. There is a need for an overall strategy that everyone in the organization is aware of.”

As part of the recommendations she makes, communication is a vital part. For her, it is communication with the client and developing a relationship. For companies, it is having a plan that fully informs the team members and involves them in branding. As an example, social media posts need consistency. 

Yindra said, “Social media management is my strong suit. For example, a manufacturing company may do two to three posts a week, but there is a need to make sure that the content is customized and follows their overall mission and brand. There an be a problem with internal posting where the message is not consistent, and it can get messy.”

If not part of a plan, she said employees may have posts that have no relation to the business and do actual harm to the brand. There needs to be a purpose behind everything a company does. 

The consistent message she promotes starts with an initial review of what a business is currently doing and what is and isn’t working. She looks at the company’s logo, mission statement, tagline, and graphics. 

“I take time to understand that client and their industry,” Yindra said. “I tour the business and get a background on the history of the company. After that, I do research on that industry and the trends.”

With the knowledge, she puts together a plan that includes social media management, paid advertising, design, and company communication (both internal and external). She offers services or guidelines in event planning, writing a newsletter, direct mailer, developing brochures and pamphlets, and making company presentations. 

On the graphics side, Yindra believes branding should be consistent from the point of entering an office with a distinct image of who you are to every advertisement and posting. That is also the plan she has for her business. In doing a competitive analysis of marketing companies, she said she identified a slew of competitors. In order to create a recognizable brand and stand apart, she wants to be known for the time she takes to build a relationship with a client.

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